Results for "The Death of Truth"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      The beauties of Truth “When there is so much good truth to publish and proclaim, why should men dwell so much upon the evil in the world just because it appears to be a fact?” 195:5.13 (2076.4) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Hallelujah! The first Urantia Books have arrived in Kampala, awaiting customs clearan...Together, with courage and inspiration, we will continue to spread the light of truth and wisdom across the lands....

        • Magara Benjamin

          Dear Urantia Community, We are thrilled to announce service and commitment to spreading the light of truth. As we eagerly await the share this precious revelation with all who seek truth and wisdom. Thank you, Broth...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            92:5.13 The future of Urantia will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of teachers of religious truth -- the Fatherhood of God and...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              The URANTIA Book’s Prophecy In one of last pages of The URANTIA Book, the Paper’s sup...ifth Epochal Revelation, the promised compliment to its “expanded revelation of truth” found in The URANTIA Book, a...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                48:7.16 14. Whet the appetites of your associates for truth; give advice only when it is asked for.

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  CLICK IMAGE TO ANIMATE 48:7.18 16. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

                  • Soren K Vestergaard

                    In these days when the Spirit of Truth has come to us, it is important to acknowledge that we have been blessed with the platform of SpiritualFamily.Net. Here, our extended family can...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      48:7.25 23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Spiritual Destiny "Spiritual destiny is dependent on faith, love, and devotion to truth — hunger and thirst for righteousness — the wholehearted desire to find God and to be like him." 156:5.7