Results for "A.I. World"

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    • Gumisiriza Julius

      "Copied" On the day of Pentecost the religion of Jesus broke all national restric...l received the new teacher, as did all the honest of heart throughout the whole world. This new teacher was bestowe...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        92:4.4 There have been many events of religious revelati...matian revelation was practically lost to the whole world. Even the Nodites had forgott...f these truths have never been entirely lost to the world. The entire trend of Levantin...

        • Ainamani John

          This new generation is deep, even with the devices they are addicted to from early c...regate them from those of their fellows who have imbibed only the wisdom of the world.

          • Ainamani John

            I give thanks to our beloved Jesus Christ for whom I am really it's so amazing to live in this world even though there are very for you to know more about how to live in this world I have spent almost 3years...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Progress “Civilization can hardly progress when the majority of the youth of any generation devote their interests and energies to the materialistic pursuits of the sensory or outer world.” 111:4.3

              • Tumwijukye simon

                101:7.2 A philosophy of religion evolves out of a basic growth of ideas plus experim...ur interests, we’re addicted. Father, thank You, tech is great. The world I see, could be first rate....

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  121:7.2 The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran co...heathen. For generations the Jews had nourished an attitude toward the outside world which made it impossible for...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    World Gospel Ministries Urantia book fellowship - Discovering the truth and feeding the community

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Welcome to Spiritual Family Networ...norant creatures of this dark world. The goal of eternity of friends from around the world who are God knowing and he presented them to this world. Please consider joining us...e, even to this dark and evil world. So also will I, after my Fat...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        These tertiary seconaphim are the timesavers, space, from the time you arrive on the initial mansion world until you close your eyes in...feet. We’re cut like diamonds, so we shine. This world evolves, but it takes time....