Results for "Revelation Thought Gems"

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    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

      To my friend who asked me how I understand the characteristics of the apostles as portrayed in the UB. The charac...ound in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. - *Ethical*: Paul diligently strove to “take thou...

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        The beauties of Truth “When there is so much good truth to publish and proclaim, why should men dwell so much upon the evil in the world just because it appears to be a fact?” 195:5.13 (2076.4) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Urantia Book - What is Revelation?

          • Magara Benjamin

            Dear Urantia Community, I hope this finds you all well and filled with anticipation for the exc...ved readers in Uganda can have access to these profound revelat...ity to stay calm and patient. Your eagerness to see the reve...

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              “The spirit of religion is eternal, but the form of its expression must be restated every time the dictionary of human language is revised.” 99:1.6 (1087.3) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

              • Soren K Vestergaard

                Hallelujah! The first Urantia Books have arrived in Kampala, awaiting customs clearance. Soon, this precious reve...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  “God-consciousness is equivalent to the integration of the self with the universe, and on its highest levels of spiritual reality.” 196:3.35 (2097.3) A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

                  • Magara Benjamin

                    Dear Urantia Community, We are thrilled to announce that the estimated time of delivery for the...Soren for his tireless efforts in helping to bring this revelat...rt one another and work together to share this precious reve...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      The URANTIA Book’s Prophecy In one of last pages of The URANTIA Book, t...ndent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be rec...g less than the purpose of the revelation, the raison d’etre of The URA...f the world” (2082 D). The New Revelat...we have been assured that “the reve...

                      • Soren K Vestergaard

                        The Urantia Book teaches us that the mention of transcendentalers does not occur before an evo...ned in the Urantia Book, which leads me to believe that the book will be a significant reve...