Results for "Supporting the PWDs campaign"

Wall posts

    • Owen Besigye

      I greatly thank you for the mercy full heart you are showing the young generation which is so inspiring and of which has transformed many youths a cross the world, really thank you very much God will reward you with blessings as you're supporting us

      • Owen Besigye

        • Owen Besigye

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Hello Brothers and Sisters. If you're able and willing to help, kindly help for food God bless you brothers and sisters Below is the campaign link for food.

            • Owen Besigye


              • Gumisiriza Julius

                Dear Brothers and Sisters You can share this Campaign or donate. The money collected will be tr...Urantia conference in Uganda below is the campaign link God bless you all https...tia-africa-revelation-outreach-and-support-campaign?uh=1f38942f1b851aef4787d25dfc...

                • Owen Besigye


                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    Hi son, I posted a Campaign for you on our Network. To be successful So ask only friends to help you share the Campaign. Do not ask them for money. t...d. You can edit and add any information to the Campaign and you will see the write ic...

                    • Owen Besigye


                      • Ahulire Narasis

                        This is the greetings from brothers and sisters from Fort Portal Urantia Book reader spiritual network appreciating all donors who enabled us to be part of the conference! By supporti...