Results for "Revelation Study Group Meeting"

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    • Agaba Josephat

      For the new members of the Uganda constitution family . I congratulate you for joining us into this group which is aiming at learning a...alf of our fellow Ugandans who are not part of this group....

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        SFN in in need of funds for revelation outreach work in Africa Can You Help

        • Dr. Roger W. Paul

          We are starting a new study at the beginning of the life of Christ this Sunday morning 9 am Easte...every paper of The Urantia Book if you would like to follow a study group. The new Videos I am posting now are more of a in depth study o...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Tayebwa Allan There is a very informative Group called Jesus MeetUp that will help your understanding of the Papers on Jesus

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              A warm Welcome to Spiritual Family Network. Please do not hesitate to...Facebook such as Personal and Group Banners, Friends lists, likes, com...Here is a list of Groups and study resources on our Network that may interest you Revelation Study Groups and Teaching Resources...

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                What is the revelation.An introduction of the revelation

                • Kauta Benns Kelith

                  Little Is Michael known in the Bible/Quran/Mormons we do contact believers in their response are contrary not informed about, they live on zero revelation instinctingly. Urantia mega revelation has all the answers to find such as paper 130 , paper 33 etc Michael is God & revealed.

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    12:7.0 There is operative throughout all time and space and with regard to all reality of whatever nature an inex...u Much can happen, the day is good. We will be rappin’ ‘bout Your Book. Study groups...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Be not discouraged Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail. 196:3.33

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator