Results for "Creatures of Urantia"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      Members what is heaven Kingdom? according to urantia book

      • Tumwijukye simon

        21:5.7 The elevation of a sevenfold bestowal Son to the unquestioned sovereignty of his universe means the beginning...have been exhausted in an effort to win the loyalty and devotion of the will creatur...

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          URANTIA QUESTION AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS The Freshman Test of Knowledge of The [Urantia] Papers Please provide all f...ate lucifer 32. Who is now the planetary prince of Urantia? 32. The planetary prince now...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Monica and I will be away today visiting with the only members of our family that are s...n we return home. May the remembrance of the birth of a Creator Son of God on Urantia bring new revelations of his...

            • Ngambeki Barnabas

              No man is at anytime Disturbed by this neighbor's attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believe.. Courage is the confidence of thoroughgoing honestly about whose things which one professes to believe..146:3:2(1641.4) Jesus in The Urantia book

              • Ngambeki Barnabas

                "The Great mother holds all children in her hear". As God is your divine Father so is the supreme your divine mother your lives as universe creatures. Barnabas from Western Uganda The Urantia Revelation.

                • Mubangizi Osbert

                  Urantia 39:4:14 There's no material reward for the righteous living but there's profound satisfaction, consciousness of achievement and this transcends any conceivable material reward

                  • Muriisa bannet

                    Thanks very much my urantia teacher for creating this group

                    • Muriisa bannet

                      Osbert l think you will upload our pictures of the group studies we have been taking during our lessons of the urantia book

                      • Mubangizi Osbert

                        Let me share with you this on this beautiful Sunday Urantia 196:0.11 In the earthly life of Jesus religion was direct experience and personal movement from spiritual reverence to practical right...