Results for "Children's Registry"

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    • Mugabane isaac

      Mugabane charity foundation AIMS AND OBJECTIVES * Promote the rights of children * Promote cost effective education requirements to needy orphans and vulnerable childre...

      • Mugabane isaac

        Please share! Be part of this noble work HELP US BUILD A PERMANENT SHELTER FOR THE ORPHANED CHILDREN AND STREET KIDS Mugabane charity foundation Goal $20500 Funds raise...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          (28.1) 1:5.4 Even though material mortals cannot see the person of God, they should rejoice in the assurance that he is a person; by faith accept the truth which portray...

          • Mission Young Generation Grace Africa Aid Project ( MYGGAAP)

            Giving Hope to the invisible but existing Children and youths.

            • Mugabane isaac

              The words of the Bible call God’s people to actively pursue meeting the needs of children who have been orphaned, and a great place to start is through prayer. Your act...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                That same evening Jesus made the long-to-be-remembered address to the apostles regarding the relative value of status with God and progress in the eternal ascent to Para...

                • Mugabane isaac

                  KEEP this Christmas magical for the children! Feed 50 poor families in Uganda this Christmas! Around the world the kindness day 16 Nov- international day for tolerance 20 Nov- universal children...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    This is an educational presentation that I put together to help with Spiritual Development for beginners and children. Help yourself and your children to grow towards God! May God bless you

                    • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                      OFFERING scholastic materials to our children; Books, pens, pencils and coloured pencils. This was done at the beginning of term iii August, 2022.

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        Dear Friends, I found this worth sharing .supermarket and bought her husband a card saying “Thank you for being in my life” And when she got home, she cooked her husba...