Results for "Why does my heart feel so bad"

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    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Today, Urantia Sharing is graciously providing Mr. Nicholas with a cherished Urantia Book, as his hear...

      • Soren K Vestergaard

        Urantia Sharing sends a box of Urantia Books to Kamwenge...hood is true and sincere. I am already inspired and feel confident that i can do much f...containing 6 Urantia Books! If you have it in your heart to help Urantia Sharing don'...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          A Dominant Faith "...believe with a whole heart; your faith shall dominate the combined attitudes of body, mind, and spirit." ~Jesus~ 155:6.17

          • Tumwijukye simon

            During an epic journey in AD 70, the old sandal maker, Caleb, risks his life as he and his daughter battle their wa...s from the notes of an onlooker, The Sandal Maker, inspire the mind, uplift the hear...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              100:4.5 In the mind’s eye conjure up a picture of one of your primitive a...e are going towards God’s Way. We can feel...must, so we’re aware Of our friends' feelings, we do care. Texting,...eader for our tribe. Trust in what He does decide. To the way of God, w...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                66:6.2 When Christian missionaries go into the heart of Africa, where sons and daughters are supposed to remain under the control and direction of their parents throughout the...

                • Ainamani John

                  Never Regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experience, the worst days give lessons, and the best days give memories

                  • Ainamani John

                    Never Regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness, bad days give experience, the worst days give lessons, and the best days give memories

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Civilized Man Man, the civilized, will someday achieve relative mastery of the physical forces of his planet; the love of God in his heart will be effectively outpoured as love for his fellow men, while the values of human existence will be nearing the limits of mortal capacity. 118:10.14