Results for "Revelation PowerPoint Presentation"

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    • Soren K Vestergaard

      Hallelujah! The first Urantia Books have arrived in Kampala, awaiting customs clearance. Soon, this precious revelation w...

      • Magara Benjamin

        Dear Urantia Community, We are thrilled to announce that the estimated time of delivery for for his tireless efforts in helping to bring this another and work together to share this precious revelation w...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The URANTIA Book’s Prophecy In one of last pages of The URANTIA Book,...dent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be rec...less than the purpose of the revelation, the raison d’etre of The URA...the world” (2082 D). The New Revelation...e have been assured that “the revelation o...

          • Soren K Vestergaard

            The Urantia Book teaches us that the mention of transcendentalers does not occur before an the Urantia Book, which leads me to believe that the book will be a significant revelation e...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              During an epic journey in AD 70, the old sandal maker, Caleb, risks his life as he and his dau...tory of the days of his youth, a fascinating tale of hardship, joy, and tears, is a revelation o...