Results for "How great leaders inspire action"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Pato Banton Here we go again! Sep 15th: 12th Annual Philanthropy Leaders Summit (PA Show)...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        70:2.10 At one time physicians believed in bloodletting as a cure for many diseases, but they...wins when best are gone? How does anger last so long? Leaders...lasting peace where all believe. We need Your Love in leader...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          • Tumwijukye simon

            39:4.14 The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, do the will of God. If man thus chooses, he is great,...e inner voice. We all must see within our actions How God’s will gives satisfactions. Our motivations then wil...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              92:5.16 The future of Urantia will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of teachers o...remain, we’re of the forest. We all went our separate paths With different leader...

              • Tumwijukye simon

                65:7.6 The acquisition of the potential of the ability to...rious behavior and incompletely understood quick reactions of mind to the material envi...e. Planning helps with things we do. An action plan helps us pull through....

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  The Paper back for the book titled " Great Adventures in Uganda's Fifth Epochal Revelation and Food Forest Program". has been published. Please grab a copy for yourself. I congratulate my self. Great Adventures in Uganda's Fifth Epochal Revelation and Food Forest Program

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    69:5.13 Accumulations of wealth early became the badge of social dis...y freely distributing it to fellow tribesmen. This made them great m...lavish distribution of Christmas gifts, while rich men endow great...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      *Dear Most Precious, Treasured Friend: In The Year 2023, We Had Many Too High Mountains To Su...s And Milestones In Life: I See The Year 2024, As Yet Another Year Of Enlargement And Great...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        144:4.6 Prayer is an antidote for harmful introspection. At least, prayer as the Master taugh...’s fellows. The Master usually prayed in the plural, not in the singular. Only in the great...