Results for "The Religion of the Spirit"

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    • Nuwagaba Emmanuel

      A New Covenant and a New Body Dearly beloved...blish the second [the covenant of the spirit]. Jesus Christ came to not written with ink, but with the spirit of the Living God; not in tab...hrough him we both have access by one spirit unto the Father. We are no lo...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        178:1.17 [Part IV] Throughout the vicissitudes of life, remember always to love one ano...ents, and sincere believers in the brotherhood of the Father's kingdom. And my spirit shall be upon you, now and ev...

        • Tumwijukye simon

          146:2.14 13. Jesus taught that the prayer for divine guidance over the pa...argement of one’s capacity to receive the presence of the divine spirit. When Jesus taught his associates to pray in the spirit and in truth, he explained th...

          • Mubangizi Osbert

            ...ful Sunday Urantia 196:0.11 In the earthly life of Jesus religion was direct experience and personal movement from spiritual reverence to practical rig.... the faith of Jesus bore transcendent fruits of divine spirit his faith wasn't immature and...

            • Tumwijukye simon

              191:4.3 …. As you rejoice in your loyalty to the gospel, pray the Father of truth to s...Love Springs from a source Divine! Love can solve war and design A way for Spirit in our minds. Thank You F...

              • Ngambeki Barnabas

                The Teachings of Jesus We would like to share another tea...of all, your potential of real achievement is the spirit which lives within you, and w...e it from the fetters of fear and thus enable your spiritual nature to begin your deliv...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  103:1.6 The realization of the recognition of spiritual values is an experience which is superid...have elected to call God-consciousness. The spirit of God that dwells in man is...o gather in the flock! We can unite o’er Spirit goals. Achieve new peace as...

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    5:5.14 The ability of mortal parents to procreate is not predicated on their educatio...and foster the production of his immortal soul of survival qualities if such a spirit-endowed individual seeks God...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      195:3.9 Even a good religion could not save a great empire from the sure results of lack ofindividual...and a state church which became institutionalized nearly to the point of spiritual barrenness. State of Af...

                      • Ngambeki Barnabas

                        ″…When the Son of Man has finished his work on earth,...hall be poured out upon all flesh the living Spirit of Truth. Those who receive this spirit shall never know spiritual th...lightened, cleansed, and comforted. And this Spirit of Truth will become in them...