Results for "Luweero District Central Uganda"

Wall posts

    • Olupot Joseph

      Praise the Lord brethren ,I'm Olupot joseph the executive director of the of holy Sama...going on support us by donating. Your loved ones from Uganda Africa....

      • Godwin Nasser

        Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was

        • Godwin Nasser

          Am reaching to everyone for help our house was destroyed by storm which took our

          • Godwin Nasser

            Am reaching to everyone for help our house was destroyed by storm which took our

            • Musasizi aggrey

              Hello brothers and sisters am musasizi aggrey from Uganda Please donate to us our children at the orphanage home are starving to hunger

              • Godwin Nasser

                Am reaching to everyone for help our house was destroyed by storm which took our

                • Godwin Nasser

                  Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was

                  • Godwin Nasser

                    Thank you God,I am looking forward to building structures to repair our house which

                    • Godwin Nasser

                      Thank you God,I am looking forward to building structures to repair our house which

                      • Godwin Nasser