Results for "Joseph & John"

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    • Tumwijukye simon

      5:1.6 If mortal man is wholeheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the doing of the Father’s...h God, colors all the grays. Thank You, Father, I am on board. The TB&...

      • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

        To my friend who asked me how I under...fellowship with God, as seen in John the Apostle's account of Andrew's relationship with John the Baptist and then with Jes...Here are the characteristics of John as described in the Urantia B...." - *Personal aide to Jesus*: John, along with Peter and James,...

        • senyonjo michael

          John 8:12 says I am the light of the world,he said whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.

          • denise_martin20

            I'm afraid I cannot be a part of this Group or Book anymore because I have found it recently...full of UNTRUTHS. It says that Mary was not a virgin when she conceived Jesus and that Jose...