Results for "destiny"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Spiritual Destiny "Spiritual destiny is dependent on faith, love, and devotion to truth — hunger and thirst for righteousness — the wholehearted desire to find God and to be like him." 156:5.7

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Yielding To Spirit If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God..., 5:1.12

        • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

 in urantia spiritual family network this is new lesson to us all members. I want to tellyou right now a warning, that your salvation and the destiny of your soualis in your hand...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Your Destiny "Your spiritual destiny is conditioned only by your spiritual longings and purposes." Jesus, 156:5.9

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              ...mortal natures? When mortal man fuses with an actual fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, no limit can ever be placed upon the destiny of such an unprecedented and...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Spiritual Destiny Spiritual destiny is dependent on faith, love, and devotion to truth — hunger and thirst for righteousness — the wholehearted desire to find God and to be like him. 156:5.7

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  ...mortal natures? When mortal man fuses with an actual fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, no limit can ever be placed upon the destiny of such an unprecedented and...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    God is not only the determiner of destiny; he is man's eternal destination. 5:4.3

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      ...ging cosmic comprehension. The understandings of truth, beauty, and goodness, morality, ethics, duty, love, divinity, origin, existence, purpose, destiny, time, space, even Deity, are...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Spiritual Destiny "Spiritual destiny is dependent on faith, love, and devotion to truth — hunger and thirst for righteousness — the wholehearted desire to find God and to be like him." 156:5.7