Results for "2021 October Leadership Team Tour"

Wall posts

    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      • Alberta-Agorists

        RE: Tragedy In Rural Alberta, A Courageous Doctor Speaks Out. Daniel Na...ats-ivermectin-by-the-tube/


          Good evening members?.we the team Western uganda Urantia book readers group from the Sheema city.

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Am glad to be part of this team. I struggled in signing up, i thank God for the success.

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Pato and Antoinette's Africa Tour at Muga Child Outreach Philly Mugweri

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Pato & Antoinette Africa Tour NLAM Joseph Oyuki

                • Manyi john

                  Day 1 . Group v of the August Uganda urantia conference. Me and my friends and answering together some of the qu...answered atleast and I hope to explore more .thanks matte,Billy and all other team...

                  • Ahulire Narasis

                    This is the greetings from brothers and sisters from Fort Portal Urantia Book reader spiritual network appreciatin...and we thank God for his grace and mercy that endures forever. We were of the team...

                    • Samuel Tumu

                      candidate for David’s throne could be reared, but Joseph preferred to ta...weeks to overcome Mary’s objections. 123:0.6 By the first of best for them to return to Nazareth. Accordingly, early in Octo...

                      • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

                        I thank urantia spiritual family.Net because it helped us how to understand Jesus Christ on his teachings and I thank our Administrator who always with us, God bless you and your team...