Results for "Buyuge and Buwumba Village"

Discussion topics

    • Kafuuma Muzamiru Angel Children's Village

      lets help orphans

      Angel Children's Village   Orphans in orphanages are given a safe environment in which to grow, given somewhere to sleep, regular food and schooling...

      • Kafuuma Muzamiru Angel Children's Village

        help the children

        The president of our beloved country, Yesterday 18th/03/2020 addressed the nation abou...washing your hands thoroughly. 6. Among so many other. As Angel Children’s Village, our children were also among...

        • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

          T H A N K Y O U !!!! We are so grateful

          T H A N K Y O U !!!! We are so grateful! T H A N K...sion of Samaritan Foundation Orphanage (Budoma SafoVillage). We are so excited to inform...arginalize  children and the people of Budoma Village. With your help, we are able...

          • Pastor Caroline Musagala

            Eternal Hope Gospel of Jesus Primary School

            Eternal Hope Gospel of Jesus Primary School A NEW BEGINNING FOR a kindergarten and or a primary school started next year in the little village of "Buseru", with t...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Act's of Love - Living Faith and the Eternal Nature of a seed well sowed - How God restores Living Faith

              ...a huge step of faith. At the village of N’dolera they were The only contact with the villagers was a young boy, who was for her to give birth, the village chief softened enough to allo...let him build a school in the village. The article said that gradua...

              • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                Why we should engage the study of the Urantia Papers

                Why we should engage the study of the Urantia Papers Why should we study are some of the photos that were captured during the outreach in Bwizibwera village, i happened to meet a gr...