Results for "Australia Under Siege of Tyranny"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered

      Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered   I place in America, Europe, and Australia between 1957 and the late...ant. Major academic efforts were under way to try and discover developed into an influential under...ical and cultural aspects of our underta...

      • David Kantor

        Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered

        Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered   I place in America, Europe, and Australia between 1957 and the late...ant. Major academic efforts were under way to try and discover developed into an influential under...ical and cultural aspects of our underta...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Reply on topic: Assange in Court

          By Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Even so, you may say, why spend so...We will have surrendered our voice to censorship and our fate to unrestrained tyranny....

          • i Witness NEWS

            COVID-19 – The Fight for a Cure: One Gigantic Western Pharma Rip-Off

            By Peter Koenig Global Research, March 24, brought the COVID-19 pandemic under control without a vaccine, bu...nd have helped to bring COVID-19 under control in China, without a forbidden, in many countries under...o, the University of Queensland, Austral...

            • i Witness NEWS

              COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud

              COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud Published on December... None of them could. In Australia scientists from the ...This explains why the Australian government state:...e ignorant and just don’t under...Criminal Enterprise (JCE) under I...

              • i Witness NEWS

                Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!!

                Doctors Around the World Issue  Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VA...ecause they are doctors and scientists who actually Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny COVID Vaccines “Biol...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Political Tyranny - Economic Slavery - Police States - Medicial Mafia - New Nuremberg Trials

                  Political Tyranny - Economic Slavery - Police States - Medical Mafia - New Nuremberg Trials ARCHBISHOP VIGANO - AGENDA 2030: THE GATES OF HELL SHERIFF CLAY HI...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Permaculture was developed by Bill Mollison in Australia

                     Permaculture was developed by Bill Mollison in Australia Dear Eden International bro...ture was developed by Bill Mollison in Australia (one of his consultants w...t.  Dig into the book to start to under...cess will help you develop a masterful underst...