Results for "Sovereignty Human and Divine"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "Wall posts"

      Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations April 30th  The Father "No man in this world now sees the Father except the Son who ca...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "Wall posts"

        Be not discouraged Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail.   196:3.33  

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          Comment on "Wall posts"

          Hi brother, in my own view and understanding The Kingdom of heaven is a divine sovereignty that is God Spirit led. On this point God is spirit and thus heaven is spiritual. In the heaven kingdom, there's nothing like materialism like here on earth. Godspeed, Julius

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

              The aroma of friendliness. His gospel will rule this very world. The human family must develop a implicit faith and whole-souled belief in the certain triumph of righteousness. His p...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Hi Osbert, and this profound satisfaction of achievement was a part of Jesus entire Jesus' comment: "You know, Ganid, most human beings are like the lost chil...d men to God experience the supreme satisfaction of human...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                Snow Crystals        111:4.3 The advances of true civilization are...gher levels of the superconscious mind as it impinges upon the spirit realm of human...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Comment on "Wall posts"

                  Hello Edson, Re your Comment son: Thank you...the plans the Father of Love and his Divine Sons have for us all! Rea...ur future destiny. 19:3.7 Seven Divine Counselors in liaison with a...niverse approach to the union of the human viewpoint and the divine attit...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Comment on "Answers"

                    Wonderfully done Owen, very informative and truth discerning. May I just  add t...cording to the manner and the extent to which it exhibits its own inherent and divine excellence.   &nbs...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Comment on "Wall posts"

                      159:3.8 There is but one struggle for those who enter the ki...Thou Master of the Universe Let the reign of Divine Love Truth and Wisdom be es...of religion is superemotional, unifying the entire human experience on transcendent lev...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Comment on "Religious revival 2023"

                        Monica has been helping Marin to create these beautiful teachings for over the past year now. The lesson presenter...ry, high-school and even Universities for many years and Marin is skilled as a human...