Results for "The Audio Urantia Book in MP3 Format Papers 32-42"


    • Matte Jockas

      Comment on "Goma-Congo-Urantia-Conference-Active_Zoom_Events-December-15-16-17-2021"

      We Thank the Father in Heaven for the beauty we have in inspiring generations through the Urantia Book Revelations. And thanks to all those who supported these efforts in the expansion of the Urantia Book outreaches to Democratic Republic of Congo. #UrantiaBook


        Comment on "Wall posts"

        In Urantia book we trust, without it no love, peace, grace and wisdom thanks friends let us support so that the true believe becomes good in our families and others stuetions, thanks allot.


          Comment on "Wall posts"

          Hi brothers we the Western uganda Urantia book readers group from the Sheema city we are here with alot of happy because of after reading the URANTIA BOOK in our city! for sure thanks brothers and sisters for this site on.

          • RICHARD KATONO


            In God's kingdom! everything are there, agood life, blessings,grace,peace, wisdom but to benefit from Him you only need to be His friend through obeying rules and regulations for teachings of Jesus Christ in the book law for Urantia book, so let us keep reading it in all our time.

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Be not discouraged Be not discouraged; human evolution is still in progress, and the revelation of God to the world, in and through Jesus, shall not fail.   196:3.33  

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                Great News brother, Thank you Angello for getting this important document to brother Julius. The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achi...

                • Gumisiriza Julius

                  Comment on "Wall posts"

                  We are very glad.,thax very happily, i wont sleep everyday without understanding anything from this great book.

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Comment on "Wall posts"

                    My brother Julius and sister Cossy, you are on the bridge across forever. Monica and I over the past 36 years have...nd in the presence of Jesus. Inspired by the authors of the epochal revelation paper...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Comment on "Wall posts"

                      Wonderful to see this Kato. Your studies in the revelation are bringing increasing wisdom exp...the question is not a member of SFN or your Group Youth Uranti...estion. This way you will build up over time important informa...

                      • Lindianne  Sappington

                        Comment on "Help happy hours ministry with school requirements and tuition for their 32 children of the Lord"

                        Dear Kevin, Thank you for the work you do to serve humanity by raising orphans. I have been reading the Urantia Book since 1987. Most of the American Urantia Book r...ed about the African (and especially Ugandan) Urantia Book...