Results for "FEELINGS OF LOVE"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "Adopted Hadiza"

      What wonderful days lie ahead of these children now that the necessities of life and an education is now within their grasps. Congratulations brother on another success for the ministry. Is this a result of Jane's labors of love?

      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

        Comment on "Adoption Monica Kemp ● Tony Wandera"

        Grateful for both of you brother Paul and Mrs. Monica, thanks for the love.

        • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

          Comment on "Fetching water"

          Thanks for loving Tony my dear sister Monica, peace love and joy be upon you.

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Fetching water"

            Tony a Poem to help guide your way  Desiderata - Words for Life...Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all arid...

            • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

              Comment on "Monica Kemp"

              Tonny will love this, its a bit so advanced program that will keep you and Tonny in touch am sure. Thanks sister Monica for loving Tonny.

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Comment on "By the Grace of God go we."

                Godspeed dear ones as you get filled with love and share it with us through joining efforts, and bringing a change in the lives of these poor children.

                • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                  Comment on "Thanksgiving"

                  Amen, thanks so much sister Monica, we love you too.

                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                    Comment on "Photo of the day ● "

                    Togetherness among Safo children creates love, and jo y among them. The state of art of how this world will bring Safo children closer to the hearts of good citizens, we shall be able to experience physical changes, spiritual changes and bright future for them. Love the works here.

                    • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                      Comment on "Tonny with his new ball"

                      Really good time, Wandera feels so high that his mama sister Monica love him and feels him right away. Here is a gift she bought for him through the help she sent to access us get home this gift. May this spirit continue.