Results for "Daily Urantia Quotations March 2019"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "Wall posts"

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      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "Wall posts"

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        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "Wall posts"

          Can you really realize the true significance of the Adjuster's indwelling? Do you really fathom what it means to have an absolute fragment of the absolute and infi...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            He will Raise You Up "And now I declare to you that I, if I be lifted up on earth and in your lives, will draw all men to myself and into the fellowship of my Father. READ MORE HERE  

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              That which the enlightened and reflective human imagination of spiritual teaching and leading wholeheartedly and unselfishly wants to do and be, becomes measurably cre...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them. Men seek for the...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Comment on "Wall posts"

                  And God-consciousness is equivalent to the integration of the self with the universe, and on its highest levels of spiritual reality. Read More Here

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Comment on "Wall posts"

                    Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life. There is but one struggle for those who enter the kingdom, and...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Comment on "Wall posts"

                      The Experience Of Loving The experience of loving is very much a direct response to the experience of being loved. Read More Here

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Comment on "Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange - Response to Open Letter of 1 July 2019"

                        But this is not about justice. This is about revenge. No case better illustrates just how corruptly powerful the U.S. and British intelligence services and mili...