Results for "Garden Project Property"


    • Caleb Ari

      Arinanye Caleb Mushroom Project

      Arinanye Caleb Mushroom Project This campaign for me is to find some support to make my mushroom business at our home in Uganda. All I need is land, Autoclave...

      • Twongirwe Ali (AliMax)

        Twongirwe Ali - Yesiga Ambroze - ilva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign

        Twongirwe Ali - Nyesiga Ambroze - Silva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign  The name of land , support and effort to ensure the success of this bole hole project, we believe that this project...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Million Member Discipleship Support Campaign

          5th Epochal Revelation I AM Eden International Million Member Discipleship Support...or these times on Urantia. This Group Explains the project we are undertaking. I AM...his will allow us to have a monthly budget for the projects...

          • Kizza Lawrence

            Nourishing Futures: Feeding Hungry Orphaned Children

            Mityana Holy Faith Orphanage's Campaigns Many of these children come from backgrounds of extreme...and impede their ability to reach their full potential. By supporting this project,...