Results for "Australia Under Siege of Tyranny"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope

      By Colin Todhunter Global Research, April 28, 2017...any perceived threats (not least the undermining of dollar hegemony)&nbs...nflicts, which, aside from resource plunder...public – only living under the tyranny of a dying capitalism –...

      • Garrdin

        One Person Can Make a difference

        One Person Can Make a difference The religionist is not unsympathetic with so...justice, not insulated from economic thinking, neither insensible to political tyranny. Religion influences social r...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Political Tyranny

          Edward Snowden Describes the tyranny of Government and it's Police State Source - The Free Thought Project by Claire Bernish, May, 31st, 2017 W...

          • i Witness NEWS

            NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering

            NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof Of Climate Engineering Octo...ble (square cloud formations are created under some scenarios).  In...images below Off of east coast of Austr...west coast The northwest coast of Austral...

            • Pato Banton

              Our Experience at the Parliament of World’s Religions 2018 by Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah

              Our Experience at the Parliament of World’s Religions 2018 by Pato Banton & Antoin...Circles across North and South America, Africa, Europe, Austr...anism! It leaves us hopeful for a more loving, tolerant, underst...

              • i Witness NEWS

                France's Yellow Vest movement strikes a victory for working people across the EU

                France's Yellow Vest movement strikes a victory for working people across...“but not of their own free will; not under circumstances they themselves have chosen but under the given and inherited circu...w Vest protesters who’ve been laying siege t...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange - Response to Open Letter of 1 July 2019

                  Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange Response to Open our voice to censorship and our fate to unrestrained tyran...mes, the Financial Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, the Canberra Times, the T...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator


                    A WARNING TO THE POWER ELITE FROM ENOCH    The following wor...while evil shall be multiplied among them. Therefore iniquity, sin, blasphemy, tyranny, and every evil work, shall i...

                    • The Strange Preacher

                      The Opening of the First Seal

                      The Strange Preacher The Opening of the First Seal  ...s have been a tad disconcerting is an understatement. They’ve got m...this world’ who might seek to plunder their resources. It has to be...ears to be nothing less than a global siege o...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully

                        The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity:...will multiply rapidly but the underlying corporate dysfunctionali...he highly dangerous 5G which, under the guise of improving the different philosophies underpinning these approaches, and...elite coup the Earth is under siege f...