
    • The Strange Preacher

      The Opening of the First Seal

      The Strange Preacher The Opening of the First Seal       Hi folks,  ...  Right now we have a chance to do something of lasting value for the Kingdo...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity

        The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity The 5G War — Technolo...and Disease”55 — a 140-page free access paper w...l also jeopardize the Navy.67 According to a recent paper6...

        • Joshua Ben Joseph

          Open Letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

          Open Letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò...meland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are...

          • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

            Tilling the Soil | Agriculture

            Tilling the Soil | Agriculture Uganda Economic evangelism is the process of organic passion that work...ity of work and the honest efforts of mind and body. Reach one win one for the Kingdo...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Press Release HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFRICA

              Press Release: Help Our Friends In Africa <Quote> My dear brothers and sisters! I have been asked...urce <Unquote> Pastor Soren K Vestergaard Ambassador of the Kingdo...

              • i Witness NEWS

                Meet Bill Gates and know what influence he has had on your Life.

                Meet Bill Gates and know what influence he has had on foundation will I build the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual r...wship in the eternal realities of my Father's kingdom. All the forces of evil...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Meditation according the the 5th Epochal Revelation by Peter Holly

                  | Home | The Adventure | Overview | Timing | Millennial Cycles | Meditation | The URANT...aders should understand that in 1934-1935, when the Papers...frequently by himself to commune with the Father in heaven”), and he claimed that...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Meditation according the the 5th Epochal Revelation by Peter Holly Part 2

                    MEDITATION 2 | Jesus-Style Meditation (previous) | Medi...hannelling” (before the Urantia Papers and their prototypes were&nb...terializing) the hardcopy text of the Papers, is completely unknown, of worship” (1616 B). “Kingdo...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19?

                      What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19? By&nbs...overed, after reviewing numerous research papers from all over the world, tha...luded that there is not a single research paper o...l research scientists who released a paper...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19?

                        What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19? By&nbs...overed, after reviewing numerous research papers from all over the world, tha...luded that there is not a single research paper o...l research scientists who released a paper...