Results for "World Economic Forum.A Big Climate Fail."


    • i Witness NEWS

      Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.

      FREE YOUR MIND Scientists say your “mind” isn&rsq...ossible to completely disentangle our subjective view of the world f...memories, attention, what you experience in this subjective world...

      • Bill Bricker

        What is your Opinion ~

        What is your opinion ~     Something funny, well maybe not, happened this morning on a personal posting. On one of my writings fro...

        • Jacob Godwins

          Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here Are Some Of His Most Important Quotes!

          Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here Are...e capacity to enjoy less. - Socrates To move the world w...ear.  - Socrates Let him who would move the world...

          • Garrdin

            One Person Can Make a difference

            One Person Can Make a difference The religionist is not unsym...fering, not unmindful of civil injustice, not insulated from economi...ome active and influential members of various social, moral, econo...

            • Garrdin

              Three distinct forms of religious devotion

              "While the religions of the world have a double origin—natural and revelatory—at any one time and among any one people there are to be found three disti...

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Adopting the Samaritan Children from afar

                Adopting Children From Afar Jane said  The head caretaker of Samaritan Foundati...every day. You could make a real difference in an orphaned child's life across the world...

                • Robert Walugosi

                  Back To School Assistance Needed

                  Back To School Assistance  Hello my friends I call upon all of you a who are willing to help work with me as we pay school fees for these ministry children...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    Political Tyranny

                    Edward Snowden Describes the tyranny of Government and it's Police St...s in the United States and around the world &m...nce law in the history of the Western World the light. And on the stage of the world,...published and republished around the world...

                    • Joshua Ben Joseph

                      Challenging Radical Islam: An Explanation of Islam's Relation to Terrorism and Violence

                      Challenging Radical Islam: An Explanation of Islam's Relation...7, 2016   The world is being subjected to horrifi...d influence across the Muslim world. Founding leaders of jihadi grou...killed in a jihad. Places of economic value, such as farms, markets...

                      • Bill Bricker

                        The Right Path

                        The Right Path ~   I hav...a good life is found Within, not outside in the world -...I use words for communications in the material world,...can today with what you have to work with in the world...