Results for "AFRICA NEWSLETTER 2021-08-21"


    • Mother Earth

      Birth Song

      Birth Song At the himba of Namibia in Southern Africa, the date of birth of a child is fixed, not at the time of its arrival in the world, nor in its design, but much earlie...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering

        Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering By Global and the wind changes, and a warm front hits a cold front off the coast of western Africa and...

        • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

          Mission Activities

          NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Bible study at our local church in makandwa igang...This is one of our local church  New life Africa mis...word. Bishop Joseph Oyuki  at New Life Africa Mis...

          • Nkuutu Samuel

            Teaching About Orphaned Children

            New Hope for African Children Ministry I am the director of New Hope For African Ch...ermanent home for our orphaned children in Uganda East Africa....

            • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

              Bible Study Disciple Making

              NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Bible Study Disciple Making            Bible study in progress. The word o...

              • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                New life Africa supporting our children with all scholastics for education.

                  New life Africa supporting our children with all scholastics for education.        New life Africa sup...

                • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                  Hope Orphans Center-Iganga Newsletter and Background

                  Hope Orphans Center-Iganga Newsletter and Background   BACKGROUND Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga Uganda is a development focused initiative with its a...

                  • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                    The calling upon my life each day

                    Dear Brethren  Dear brethren, I am humbled by the calling upon...f my work team and ministers at New life Africa and the church congregation w...our generosity.   At new life Africa min...yers. Skills ministry at new life Africa jin...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Urantia Uganda Revelation Outreach - The Good News

                      Urantia Uganda Revelation Outreach - The Good News The Ur...thusiasm in Uganda the Pearl of Africa. This blog is to give an upda...orward in Uganda and throughout Africa with the new revelation. He c...t Urantia readers in Uganda and Africa at...ed on our Website

                      • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                        Tilling the Soil | Agriculture

                        Tilling the Soil | Agriculture Uganda Economic evangelism is the process of organic passion that works spontaneously in one self that drives you to use all...