Results for "Revelation time Open your Spiritual Eyes"


    • raglanlad

      Celebrating Sustainable Projects

      Celebrating Sustainable Projects Original P...tion-and-world/the-milkman-model-returns-this-time-for-shampoo-and-haagen-dazs-2...vivers Collective and is Saving one lake at a time in I...a difference and Nature is on our side Make your...

      • i Witness NEWS

        ASI Short Story - Caitlin Johnstone

          ASI The year is 2035. Some of the weal...;It’s midnight. It’s time.” “Well let&rs...ilence. “Shiva, turn on your screen.” Blackness....rm over the computer again, this time hold...below it, until it hovers in the open...

        • raglanlad

          Celebrating Sustainable Projects: June 17th/19 Reporting 35 new positive efforts since June 6th

          Celebrating Sustainable Projects: June 17th/19 Reporting 35 new positive efforts since June...anada Fireworks to protect wildlife  11. Germany opens 62...we are making a difference Nature is on our side Make your...

          • Jacob Godwins

            ~ WELCOME TO TOMORROW ~

             ~ WELCOME TO TOMORROW ~   1-Auto repair...epairs them with robots. 4-Your electric motor malfunction li...t looks like a car wash, and your car is towed through while was a disappointment for a time, before it became way superi...e as you will call a car with your phon...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              I Oversaw the US Nuclear Power Industry. Now I Think It Should Be Banned.

              Published on Friday, May 17, 2019 by Washington...hind the industry. And by the time I started working on nuclear...the cost could be three times more.  There were ob...; — still haven’t opened. The South Carolina co...o design and build. No matter your view...

              • i Witness NEWS

                The Man Who Saw Trump Coming A Century Ago A reader’s guide for the distraught

                The Man Who Saw Trump Coming A Century Ago A reader’s a small suggestion. Focus your mind for a moment on one simp...e University of Chicago first opened its doors. Back in the days...o;mechanical.” It was a spiritual transformation. The Conspi...bstantial and patent waste of time...

                • Mother Earth

                  Birth Song

                  Birth Song At the himba of Namibia in Southern Africa, the...rth of a child is fixed, not at the time...gers sing for the child. If, at any time during his life, the person c...der of identity. When you recognize your own...sing his song for him for the last time...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Invitation to join Spiritual Family Network

                    Who we are Looking For! We...individuals who are guided by spiritual insight to help us create a Spiritual Family Network Community. It...cial Networking.   Spiritual Family Network has software e...mmerce free server at   Thank you for your time...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering

                      Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by G...rmutations which can be executed at any given time...u’ve got a hurricane closing in. By the time anyo...e polar icecaps are disintegrating before our eyes, one begins to apprehend the...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        How to Promote Your Mission on Twitter - 8 Tactics for Increasing Your Twitter Reach

                        How to Promote Your Mission on Twitter - 8 Tactics for Increasing Your Twitter Reach  ...tweeted, increasing your reach and audience. & be really good at Twitter. Your tweets need to be A+. Or even...quick tips that’ll make your tweets more twitt-ilating....