Results for "Baobab Children Foundation"


    • The Strange Preacher

      Neurophysical Factors in Religious Thinking

      Some time ago I was invited to a conference entitled: Religion, Conflict and Peace: Glob...ndmother who enjoys knitting booties for the grandchildren upon whom she dotes; now cons...s in danger but your entire support network: your children,...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


          THE REMEMBRANCE SUPPER "DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME" if those participating with you, including any children, would want to refrain from a...and recognize our oneness as a spiritual family, children o...

        • ET NEWS

          ET News of the Prayer Life on Other Worlds of Space

          We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● Their are 619 Inhabited Worlds in ou...the minds and hearts of all growing children. We begin our study of Extra...l insights and true motives of these children of the whirling worlds of spa...o us your holy character. Give your children o...

          • i Witness NEWS

            Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope

            ...y in winter; and four million children and adults are not properly f..., including more than 300,000 children. But Paterson really feels...te interests via The Heritage Foundation. The story Monbiot outlines i...nbiot notes that The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump&...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.

              FREE YOUR MIND Scientists say your “mind&rdqu...-organizing, and Siegel believes this idea is the foundation to mental health. Again borro...s within the brain or within society—is the foundation of a healthy mind. Siegel...

              • Bill Bricker

                What is your Opinion ~

                What is your opinion ~     Something funny, well maybe not, happened this morni...p; 2:6.6 41.4) The affectionate heavenly Father, whose spirit indwells his children o...

                • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                  Adopting the Samaritan Children from afar

                  Adopting Children From Afar Jane said  The head caretaker of Samaritan Foundation Orphanage (Safo) and I have b...

                  • Robert Walugosi

                    Back To School Assistance Needed

                    Back To School Assistance  Hello my friends I call upon all of you a who are willing to help work with me as we pay school fees for these ministry children a...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Teaching Our Children to Live Ideal Lives and Model Careers

                      Teaching Our Children to Live Ideal Lives and Model Careers Finding Role Models Models For Our Children  

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        Political Tyranny

                        Edward Snowden Describes the tyranny of Government and it's Police State...rom now, when you get on a politician’s bad side. “This is the foundation of any free society.”...