Results for "Books"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Sponsorship Album - Garden of Hope Ministry Uganda

      ...s to the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials like books, pens, pencils, school unifor...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Inspired Books

        New Revelations & Inspired Writers

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Urantia Books Around the World

          Urantia Book Outreach We would like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere gratitude to The Great Urantia Source and the Urantia Fellowship's Pipeline of Light for making these events possible. 

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Sponsorship Album God's Care Orphanage

   the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials like books, pens, pencils, school unifor...

            • The Way, The Truth And Life Service Foundation

              Received new revelations books

              Receiving books from Bishop Moses

              • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

                2021-10-12 Garden of Hope Children's Album

                ...s to the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials like books, pens, pencils, school unifor...

                • Soren K Vestergaard


                  BOOKS BY Soren K Vestergaard