Results for "76 Year"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Vision Afar ● Gary Tonge

      ...e you more resourceful in revealing goodness to humanity today than you were yesterday? Are you a better righteousness recommender this year than you were last year? Are you becoming increasingl...

      • Beth

        Art For The Children Of The World

        ...e you more resourceful in revealing goodness to humanity today than you were yesterday? Are you a better righteousness recommender this year than you were last year? Are you becoming increasingl...

        • Amule Isaac RCM

          RCM Educational Sponsorship Program

          Restoration of God's Glory Church Educational  Sponsorship Program  Restoration of God’s Glory Church Childern’s Minisrty needs volunteers ,patterners and sponsers to fund the childern’s Education.The cost to sponsor is  $60.00 USD three times a year.

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Thought Gems

            ...e you more resourceful in revealing goodness to humanity today than you were yesterday? Are you a better righteousness recommender this year than you were last year? Are you becoming increasingl...

            • Vaccine Awareness

              Vaccine Deaths | Children

              Vaccine Deaths | Children The tragic loss of young lives due to Medical Malpractice and uninformed mothers of the real dangers their children face every time they are vaccinated. by a for poorly regulated for profit industry that places the lives of children at risk year after year.

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                2021 Sponsorship Album

                ...hild. Use the photos and information about your child as a reminder to pray for them.  - Commit to support your child for at least one full year. Each of our sponsors commits...

                • Ssengendo Yasin Siginalamina

                  Land for farming

                  ...the first season is from January to may and another season is from august to December and this can help us to have food at the orphanage home for a year .Land in Uganda is expensive...