Results for "Children's Charity Support Services"


    • Strokes of Hope

      Strokes of Hope

      All proceeds of my artwork go to the building of a home and school for underprivileged children in Lagos Africa 

      • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

        Our Blog Images

        NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Blog Images       Welcome to our Network   New life Africa Global Ministry partners is a min...

        • Isiri Salim


          Pamoja Needy African Children Organization Slides

          • Isiri Salim

            Profile Images

            Pamoja Needy African Children Organization

            • Kyabwe Hope Amal

              Group Profile Images

              Group Profile Images

              • Ssengendo Yasin Siginalamina

                Daily Life Jinja Church Children's Home

                Daily Life Jinja Church Children's Home

                • Kyabwe Hope Amal

                  Sponsorship Album - Child Care And Orphan Support Organization

                  Sponsorship Album -  Child Care And Orphan Support Organization

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Daily Life at Child Care & Support Organization

                    Daily Life at Child Care & Support Organization

                    • Vaccine Awareness

                      Vaccine Deaths | Children

                      Vaccine Deaths | Children The tragic loss of young lives due to Medical Malpractice and uninformed mothers of the real dangers their children face every time they are vaccinated. by a for poorly regulated for profit industry that places the lives of children at risk year after year.

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Sponsorship Album

                        Sponsorship Album The Vine of Hope Foundation Orphanage UG  ...UG We are an upcoming organization hoping for more support in anyway possible that can h...with. It's not too much needed but any kind of support...