Results for "Celebration Time"


    • Vaccine Awareness

      Vaccine Deaths | Children

      Vaccine Deaths | Children The tragic loss of young lives due to Medical Malpractice and uninformed mothers of the real dangers their children face every time they are vaccinated. by a for poorly regulated for profit industry that places the lives of children at risk year after year.

      • give hope ministries uganda

        Give hope ministries Uganda album

        Our dear friends, its time to share with the needy in the Name of God. Kindly enjoy our album and every life matters.

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Animated Video Thumbs

          Animated Video Thumbs

          • Ngambeki Barnabas

            Supporting and Saving Orphans

            I'm Ngambeki Barnabas from Uganda and I'm 18years and my father is suffering from cancer and he can't get food to feed us I'm the one who looks after them to get food and I have three brothers.. I'm humbly requesting for the support thanks for your time..