Results for "4"


    • Tonny Mutekyereze

      Tonny Mutekyereze

      About me: ...the lives of children as a community example thus disciples of Christ. 4. To give support, help and pr...s, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials l...

      • Evangelist  George  Kateu

        Evangelist George Kateu

        About me: ...hes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials l...alink/default/25353/building-and-primary-school-for-orphans-in-uganda?uh=74dd1ad713f914773db4c52c7147f42a...

        • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

          Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

          About me: ...chool fees. 3. Providing basic needs to the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living. 4. Providing school materials l...Mobile phone: +256708534456

          • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

            Bishop Joseph Oyuki

            About me: The New Life Africa Ministries        I am currently engaged in overseeing The New Life Africa Ministries and New life Missionary Churches.  

            • Hasnaa


              About me: Dream Charitable Society Gaza Hello Dear friends. I am Hasnaa Mahmoud from Palestine. I am working to help poor families in Gaza. I wish you a nice day. Pleas...

              • Ssemujju Abdallah

                Ssemujju Abdallah

                About me: Ssemujju Abdallahtif  I am Ssemujju Abdallahtif Lawrence, A born again christian living in Kampala-Uganda, I am a professional social worker with a...

                • Sharon Sadler

                  Sharon Sadler

                  About me: Sharon Sadler   My Group on the Spiritual Family Network is Urantia Book for Dummies Please Visit me there. Our motto: The children of tomorrow will eat...

                  • Kisegerwa


                    About me: James 1:27;  Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.Telephone: +256774299121Mobile phone: +256701102094