Results for "The Early Years of Jesus"


  • Art Nest - Izzy Danielz
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    Art Nest - Izzy Danielz

    Art Nest Izzy Danielz - If the world needs Art, the people in it will need me. My profession explores visual arts in both the tradition and modern arts of drawings, painting and African crafty works. The type of visual arts and media we use has carved out a creative niche in drawing realistic and hyper realistic works in painting both abstract and realistic art work, with the techniques we use, good at using media like ink from ball point pens, oil based and acrylics or canvas, water colour, charcoal pencils, oil pastels on card and found objects like buttons and bottle caps when doing the modern art, clothes or traditional materials to execute our work.
    • open group
    • 42 members


    NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Bishop Joseph Oyuki Jinja,Uganda We equip believers, empower leaders to establish disciple making churches.
  • Smile With Me Uganda SWIMU
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    Smile With Me Uganda SWIMU

    I am Kirya Sam ,Director ( SWIMU). There are over 1 million orphan children in Uganda because of the AIDS epidemic, Cancer and other Neglected diseases.Please consider becoming involved in the many NGOs /CBOs that are attempting to care for these children. This group is for the good Samaritan of the world actively offering their services and support to people.
  • URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN & GODWIN
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    URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN &...

    Urantia Dihards Magara Benjamin Leader & Godwin Nasser Vice RAISING THE YOUNG CHILDREN IN GOD'S IMAGE THROUGH THE URANTIA REVELATIONS - MISSION; To restore the lost hope for the youth in Uganda. VISION; Improving the youth character, livelihood as well as their economic standards of living.
  • Victorious Children's Ministries Uganda
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    Victorious Children's Ministries Uganda

    Robert Kirabira Director - Victorious Children’s Ministries (VCM) is a Christian Community Based Organization in Uganda. Located in the Kawanda Kaayi Zone, Wakiso District. Our mission is to provide orphaned and vulnerable children with a safe, loving, caring home and all children with an education.
  • Child Care And Orphan Support Organization
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    Child Care And Orphan Support Organization

    Amisi Amal Hakim Child Care And Orphan Support Organization,Uganda,Africa - We provide food and shelter to the needy and orphans on the streets of Uganda Child care was started in 2010 and registered in 2014 after the high increase of orphans and homeless on the streets of Africa.
  • Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry
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    Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry

    Katerega Sadam - Steps of Faith Child Care Ministry
  • Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group
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    • 79 members

    Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group

    Urantia Uganda Virtual Study Group for Meeting and Learning Please Join us from around the world as we engage the study of new revelations and the Gospel of Jesus. - We will conduct a monthly ZOOM Meeting - Students and teachers of the Revelation are welcome to Join US.
  • Pandemic Emergency Alerts
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    • 8 members

    Pandemic Emergency Alerts

    Coronamania has swept over the land like some mysterious zephyr subtly and noiselessly permeating every nook and cranny of human thought—a concocted highly-imaginative fantasy absorbing both waking and non-waking hours, rendering contemplation, reflection and any other higher order cognitive activity helplessly vapid and bereft of any hoped-for, tension-relieving conclusionary cessation.
  • Friends of The Christ Experiment
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    • 24 members

    Friends of The Christ Experiment

    Your questions about the program and the site are welcome!