
  • God's New Life Healing Ministry
    • open group
    • 11 members

    God's New Life Healing Ministry

    Faith Anthony -Closing prayer. God has raised from death our Lord Jesus, who is the Great Shepherd of the sheep as the result of his blood,*by which the eternel covenant is sealed. May the God of peace provide you with every good thing you need in order to do his will, and may he, through Jesus Christ, do in us what pleases him. And to Christ be the glory for ever and ever! Amen
  • Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
    • open group
    • 4 members

    Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

    Our Vision The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish. Our core belief is that everyone has intrinsic worth and something to contribute, and humanity has an extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.
  • Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga
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    • 5 members

    Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga

    Naigaga Naume, kabweru Kenneth Ivan​ & Mwiri K Emmanuel ○ Children's Charity Uganda. Jesus came to save us without favor and discrimination To the lord, be the glory. God is love!
  • Living Hope Foundation
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    • 3 members

    Living Hope Foundation

    Mukwana Abdallah Jr. LHFU ○ Children's Charity ● There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children.
  • New Hope for African Children Ministry
    • open group
    • 2 members

    New Hope for African Children Ministry

    Nkuutu Samuel ○ New Hope for African Children Ministry ~ There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children.
  • Soul Identity ● Divine Mind Coordinate
    • open group
    • 3 members

    Soul Identity ● Divine Mind Coordinate

    This group explores together what it is like to live from our Souls and how we act from our soul minds. We invite each other's practical personal examples and easy to understand descriptions so each of us can begin to live from there with joy and confidence.
  • Mother's Heart Child Orphanage Uganda
    • open group
    • 3 members

    Mother's Heart Child Orphanage Uganda

    Kasozi Martin Poster ○ There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the many NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children. This Group is for the Good Samaritans of the world actively offering their services and support to the Directors and CEO's of these Ministries.
  • Pato's Spiritual Family
    • open group
    • 14 members

    Pato's Spiritual Family

    One World,One Family,One God, - The greatest of all methods of problem solving I have learned from Jesus, your Master. I refer to that which he so consistently practices, and which he has so faithfully taught you, the isolation of worshipful meditation. In this habit of Jesus’ going off so frequently by himself to commune with the Father in heaven is to be found the technique, not only of gathering strength and wisdom for the ordinary conflicts of living, but also of appropriating the energy for the solution of the higher problems of a moral and spiritual nature.
  • M.O.M.
    • open group
    • 6 members


    Keren Carter ● MOM Mothers' Orphan Mission
  • Truth and Life Services Foundation Ibanda Uganda
    • open group
    • 24 members

    Truth and Life Services Foundation Ibanda Uganda

    VISION: Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom.