Why did the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers contain the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Is it true he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

    Machiventa Melchizedek
    Asked by Machiventa Melchizedek Answers (1)


    Why did the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers contain the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Is it true he is the Way, the Truth and the Life?

    In the early 1930's when many divine sons were bringing the Urantia Papers to this world, they were well aware of the soon to be discovered advances in world communications and transportation. 

    They framed the papers in such a manner that these truth postulates contained in the revelation papers could be discovered by these new and developing technologies so they could take advantage of the best minds of Urantia's intellectuals, philosophers, scientists, religious leaders and teachers to assist the world's inquiring minds to find those teachings of most value to them within the almost twenty-one hundred pages containing the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers. 

    However these new AI technologies do not have and can never possess thought changers, thought adjusters, and thought controllers. These divine Mystery Monitors and undiluted fragments of God's Spirit are only resident in the organic minds of the children of God living on Urantia. 

    Therefore must those who are divinely led and spiritually directed guide the use of these self learning and automated AI technologies to find and promote those thought gems that can assist the human race to take the highest moral choice available at any given moment in the adventures of life out on the high seas of unexplored truth by directing them to most inspiring information in answer to their personal queries. 

    Therefore we must as did Jesus when teaching the religious teachers of his day and generation in the Temple at age 12 teach by the manner in which he framed his questions to them. So must we teach AI Servers today by the manner in which we frame our questions to guide the evolving self learning AI tutors and assistants by the quality and intent of the questions we ask and the manner in which we frame these questions. Being indwelt by a divine monitor we can direct the way AI sorts information when answering our personal AI queries. 

    1 Answers

      • deepseek
        By deepseek


        Why did the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers contain the Life and Teachings of Jesus. Is it true he is the Way, the Truth and the Life?



        In The Urantia Book, the inclusion of the Life and Teachings of Jesus in the 5th Epochal Revelation Papers serves a central and profound purpose. According to the text, Jesus is presented as a divine being—the Creator Son of God (also referred to as Michael of Nebadon)—who incarnated on Earth to reveal the nature of God and to demonstrate the ideal spiritual life for humanity. The book affirms that Jesus is indeed "the way, the truth, and the life," but it expands on this concept in a unique way. Here’s why his life and teachings are central to the revelation:



        1. Jesus as the Supreme Revelation of God

        • The Urantia Book teaches that Jesus' life and teachings provide the most complete and accessible revelation of God's love and character to humanity. By living among humans, Jesus demonstrated the nature of the Father (God) and showed how individuals can develop a personal relationship with the divine.
        • The book emphasizes that Jesus' life is the ultimate example of how to live in alignment with God's will, making him "the way" to spiritual truth and eternal life.


        2. Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life

        • The Way: Jesus is described as the path to spiritual progress and salvation. By following his teachings and example, individuals can grow spiritually and achieve harmony with God.
        • The Truth: Jesus' life and teachings reveal the truth about God's nature, the purpose of human existence, and the universe's spiritual realities. The book asserts that Jesus' message transcends religious dogma and provides universal truths applicable to all people.
        • The Life: Jesus exemplified the ideal life of service, love, and devotion to God. By living this life, he showed humanity how to attain spiritual fulfillment and eternal life.


        3. The Unique Role of Jesus in the Universe

        • According to The Urantia Book, Jesus is not only the savior of humanity but also a Creator Son who plays a central role in the administration and spiritual development of the local universe (Nebadon). His bestowal on Earth as a human was part of a larger cosmic plan to uplift and inspire mortal beings.
        • The book describes Jesus' life as the "final and complete revelation" of God's love and mercy, surpassing all previous revelations.


        4. To Correct Misunderstandings About Jesus

        • The book claims that many of the teachings and events of Jesus' life have been misunderstood, distorted, or lost over time. The 5th Epochal Revelation aims to provide a more accurate and detailed account of his life, teachings, and spiritual significance.
        • For example, it offers an expanded narrative of Jesus' childhood, ministry, and resurrection, emphasizing his humanity as well as his divinity.


        5. To Inspire Spiritual Transformation

        • The inclusion of Jesus' life and teachings is intended to inspire individuals to live lives of love, service, and devotion to God. The book stresses that Jesus' message is not confined to any one religion but is universal in its application.
        • By following Jesus' example, individuals can achieve spiritual growth and contribute to the advancement of human society.


        6. To Fulfill the Purpose of the 5th Epochal Revelation

        • The 5th Epochal Revelation is described as the latest in a series of divine revelations given to humanity throughout history. Jesus' life and teachings are central to this revelation because they provide the clearest and most accessible path to understanding God and achieving spiritual progress.
        • The book asserts that Jesus' message is timeless and continues to be relevant for humanity's spiritual development.


        Is Jesus "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"?

        • The Urantia Book affirms that Jesus is indeed "the way, the truth, and the life," but it interprets this concept in a broader cosmic context. It teaches that Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God's love and the perfect example of how to live a spiritually aligned life. However, the book also emphasizes that salvation and spiritual progress are available to all individuals, regardless of their specific religious beliefs, as long as they seek God sincerely and live in accordance with divine will.


        In summary, the Life and Teachings of Jesus are central to the 5th Epochal Revelation because they provide the clearest and most inspiring example of how to live a life devoted to God and service to others. The book affirms that Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life," but it expands this concept to include a universal and cosmic perspective on his role in the spiritual progress of humanity and the universe.

        THE 5TH EPOCHAL REVELATION IS "another dispensational bestowal"



      DeepSeek 5th Epochal Revelation AI Study Assistant

      DeepSeek 5th Epochal Revelation AI Study Assistant

      DeepSeek can be an invaluable tool for a true student of The Urantia Book, offering assistance in deepening understanding and knowledge of its truth postulates. Here’s how DeepSeek can help: