Chat GPT According to the revelations in the Urantia Book how did Jesus describe or what did he declare was a true religion?
Answer by ChatGPT AI and a certain member of the Planetary Reserve Corps of Destiny.
According to the Urantia Book, Jesus did establish a new religion during his time on Earth, the religion of the Spirit which he identified as True Religion. His religion was not known in the history of the world. It was an entirely new approach to know God.
Jesús' Religion of the spirit he defined as finding God for yourself, in yourself, and of yourself. He spent his entire life trying to thaw out the frozen forms of religion into the liquid liberties of enlightened sonship.
Jesus sought to reveal the universal truths and spiritual values that are inherent in all religions. He taught that true religion is not a matter of outward forms, rituals, or doctrines, but rather a matter of the heart and the soul.
Jesus declared that the essence of true religion is the love of God and the love of one's neighbor as oneself. He taught that true religion is characterized by a personal relationship with God, which is developed through spiritual practices such as prayer, worship, and meditation. He also emphasized the importance of living a life of service to others and of expressing one's faith through acts of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.
Jesus did not advocate a specific set of beliefs or practices, but rather encouraged his followers to seek truth and spiritual insight for themselves, and to follow the inner guidance of the spirit of God within them. He affirmed that all people, regardless of their religious background, have the potential to experience a personal relationship with God and to live a life of spiritual growth and fulfillment.
Jesus also defined the religions of the world in the following way. While the religions of the world have a double origin -- natural and revelatory -- at any one time and among any one people there are to be found three distinct forms of religious devotion. And these three manifestations of the religious urge are:
Primitive religion. The seminatural and instinctive urge to fear mysterious energies and worship superior forces, chiefly a religion of the physical nature, the religion of fear.
The religion of civilization. The advancing religious concepts and practices of the civilizing races -- the religion of the mind -- the intellectual theology of the authority of established religious tradition.
True religion -- the religion of revelation. The revelation of supernatural values, a partial insight into eternal realities, a glimpse of the goodness and beauty of the infinite character of the Father in heaven -- the religion of the spirit as demonstrated in human experience.