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Study Group Questions submitted by Agaba Josephat
Question Five
Between Paradise and Havona are three circuits of sacred spheres. Why is Ascendington so special for us? Of the other sacred spheres of the Father, which appeal to your curiosity the most?
Between Paradise and Havona are three circuits of sacred spheres. Why is Ascendington so special for us? Of the other sacred spheres of the Father, which appeal to your curiosity the most?
This question is best answered by a Perfector of Wisdom.
13:1.21 7. ASCENDINGTON. This unique world is the "bosom of the Father, Son, and Spirit," the rendezvous of the ascendant creatures of space, the receiving sphere of the pilgrims of time who are passing through the Havona universe on their way to Paradise. Ascendington is the actual Paradise home of the ascendant souls of time and space until they attain Paradise status. You mortals will spend most of your Havona "vacations" on Ascendington. During your Havona life Ascendington will be to you what the reversion directors were during the local and superuniverse ascension. Here you will engage in thousands of activities which are beyond the grasp of mortal imagination. And as on every previous advance in the Godward ascent, your human self will here enter into new relationships with your divine self.
13:1.22 The secrets of Ascendington include the mystery of the gradual and certain building up in the material and mortal mind of a spiritual and potentially immortal counterpart of character and identity. This phenomenon constitutes one of the most perplexing mysteries of the universes -- the evolution of an immortal soul within the mind of a mortal and material creature.
13:1.23 You will never fully understand this mysterious transaction until you reach Ascendington. And that is just why all Ascendington will be open to your wondering gaze. One seventh of Ascendington is forbidden to me -- that sector concerned with this very secret which is (or will be) the exclusive experience and possession of your type of being. This experience belongs to your human order of existence. My order of personality is not directly concerned with such transactions. It is therefore forbidden to me and eventually revealed to you. But even after it is revealed to you, for some reason it forever remains your secret. You do not reveal it to us nor to any other order of beings. We know about the eternal fusion of a divine Adjuster and an immortal soul of human origin, but the ascendant finaliters know this very experience as an absolute reality.
The revelations of God flash upon earth in the lives of the men and women who in knowing God reveal Him to their fellows. You are all well on your way in discovering the supreme joy of this experience. Many truths can only be answered by that master of all teachers, actual living experience on the whirling worlds of space. Many truths can only be known by direct experience and are so deep they can only be expressed by deep emotions to powerful for words. Epochal revelations greatly enhance your inner spiritual experience by providing lost knowledge, authoritatively eliminating error, and providing missing information about past epochal revelations and a greater understanding of personal destiny, world destiny and universe destiny.
Godspeed on this never-ending adventure,