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What are the difference between the requirements of apostleship and discipleship as explained by Jesus?
Disciples are the followers of Christ who devote some of their time to the service of humanity. Apostles are those who have given themselves fully to the service of humanity and are willing to sacrifice all in service to God.
A visual art In regards to the last verse of your Poem Simon
"Thank you Father, You're in charge.
And I have faith you will enlarge
The love we all contain within
Love will conquer the world we're in!
Apostleship is to go to town, differenty cities and countries spreading the kingdom of God.Apostleship makes disciples and builds churchesChurch people.say Apostle is someone who has seen Jesus in His Glory. But Apostle literally means one who takes a message. Like missionaries, most missionaries are Apostles but the church has renamed them
So if you believe Jesus to be your Lord and Savior then you are a disciple. I'm a disciple. An apostle was specifically chosen by Jesus to spread the Gospel after his death and resurrection..