Does God's Spirit slumber with us when we sleep?

1 Answers

    • Paul Kemp Administrator
      By Paul Kemp Administrator

      The spirit fragment of the Father himself is always in communication with a receptive human soul whose personality has willed such a relationship with the divine indweller of his mind and the teacher and pilot of his soul. This constant communication occurs even while the mind is at rest as in sleep. During the slumber season the spirit of the Father attempts to achieve only that which the will of the indwelt personality has previously fully approved by the decisions and choosings which were made during times of fully wakeful consciousness, and which have thereby become lodged in the realms of the supermind, the liaison domain of human and divine interrelationship. The spirit fragments of the Father always respect our sovereignty of personality; they are always subservient to our will. They need our permissions to act on our behalf.

      Before we sleep during the slumber season it would be wise while fully awake to request the spirit indwelling our mind to actively engage the spiritualization of our mind, and this request should also be renewed upon awakening.  This prayer is not to remind the perfect memory of our spiritual pilot but to refresh our own mind of the need to actively participate in the spiritual evolution of our own soul.