Who is Q Anon?

    Fullof Questions
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    Who is Q Anon?


    3 Answers

      • i Witness NEWS
        By i Witness NEWS

        Q is the beginning of the end of a society which staggers under the guilt of tolerating science without idealism, politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without restraint, knowledge without character, power without conscience, and industry without morality.

        This phenomenon marks the end of the wealthy and fortunate few ruling over the unfortunate many. The defeat of cognitive dissonance and the awakening of the world population to the deception of the deep state of the ruling class and the beginning of a True Type of Representative Government

        Educate Yourself


        Do you believe in coincidences?
        New to Q? Get Caught Up

        A person identifying as "Q Clearance Patriot" first appeared on the /pol/ board of 4chan on October 28, 2017, posting messages in a thread entitled "Calm Before the Storm".[3]

        Q anon Posts

        Q annon Pub

        What is the Shadow Government & The Deep State?

           Video 1    Video 2   Video 3   

        For The Love of Freedom

        Q Anon Drops Explained

        • Paul Kemp Administrator
          By Paul Kemp Administrator

          Biggest Intel Drop in our History! QPROOFS - PART 1


          • i Witness NEWS
            By i Witness NEWS

            The secret military intelligence operation that is saving the world

            Could it be that certain departments in the US military are working behind the scenes to save the world from tyranny?


            The time we are in demands honesty to look at facts, and wisdom to discern between accurate and false information. We cannot afford to let feelings and opinions blur our vision. My invitation to all who read this, is to put emotions aside and try looking objectively at reality. We must be accurate in our observations, lest we fall prey to the schemes of the criminal entities who attempt to divide and destroy us.



            Whenever there is a strong movement for freedom, tyrants will deploy their most powerful assets - trained by the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other criminalized intelligence agencies - to infiltrate the freedom movement and sabotage them from within. This is called controlled opposition.

            Controlled opposition are entities that appear to fight for freedom, while in fact their goal is to gather as many freedom fighters as possible under their wings, so they can control, weaken, and sabotage the freedom movement.

            Some of the biggest names in the worldwide freedom movement are controlled. In a future post I will explain in depth the different strategies of controlled opposition, so we can learn to discern them.


            ContrIn this post I want to discuss a major operation by criminal secret services (CIA, MOSSAD, MI6,…) that aims to discourage and destroy the worldwide freedom movement. I encourage you to read to the end, as especially those of us who have been affected by this operation, can have strong emotions when reading the following information. Don’t allow negative feelings to prevent you from gaining a more accurate understanding of what is truly happening. 


            In 2017 a US military intelligence group of high level patriots started the greatest military operation of all time, to save the world. They began posting anonymously on public boards that were mostly visited by patriots. The intel drops revealed a tremendous amount of declassified information about how severe the corruption is in the US government, and worldwide.

            An international network of evil was exposed, with a level of military intel the public had never witnessed before.


            1) Awaken patriots to the fact that a vast criminal network has infiltrated all governments, and poses a severe threat to humanity

            2) Train and activate good people to become an unstoppable army of citizen soldiers, who would expose this evil to humanity, which would initiate the downfall of this criminal network

            For three years this group of military intelligence officers posted thousands of messages on several internet boards. Their message went viral worldwide, and caused an unprecedented activation of millions of people in every country of the world.

            The sound of truth started as a trickle, and soon became a raging storm that washed over all the nations of the world.


            The military intelligence group that ignited this great awakening signed their posts with the letter “Q”.


            Right after the 2020 US presidential elections were stolen, Q went silent, much to the dismay of all patriots who had been drawing strength from their posts.

            Then the criminal intelligence agencies kicked into action, and launched several operations through popular “freedom fighters”, who are in fact controlled opposition. Simultaneously they all spread the same message:

            “Q was a psyop, to deceive all of us.”

            A devastating disappointment swept through the ranks of millions of freedom fighters, and many took their own life in utter disillusionment.

            The more mature patriots who truly knew Q, stood their ground. They had a solid foundation, that could not easily be swept away by this accusation.

            At the same time another operation was started, where Q imposters rose to the forefront. These imposters claimed to have the same kind of military intel as Q. Immediately they had millions of followers, and an astronomical reach. This is typical for a certain type of controlled opposition: they come out of nowhere, and all of a sudden you see them everywhere. They have massive funding, and access to high quality equipment and staff to create attention grabbing productions to draw in the patriots in large numbers.

            These Q imposters started making many spectacular promises, about how the “white hat” military would take down the cabal in no time. The hopes of millions were raised sky high… None of it however came to pass, which again caused severe discouragement in the patriot movement, and further discredited the real Q.

            There was a multi facetted assault on the patriot movement worldwide:

            1) Claim that Q was a psyop

            2) Replace Q with imposters

            Both had the same goal: 

            discredit, divide and discourage the patriot movement.

            Meanwhile Q remained silent.

            On June 24th, 2022 Q finally posted again:

            "Are you ready to serve your country again?
            Remember your oath."

            IS Q LEGIT OR A PSYOP?

            We need to find a solid answer to the question: is there or is there not a U.S. military intelligence operation countering the corruption in the world? Is there a plan to save the world, by high level intelligence officers, who have not bowed down to the cabal? Or is Q nothing but a psyop to deceive the patriots?

            The only way to find out, is to look at the fruit of Q. Any tree can be recognized by its fruit. A good tree doesn’t bear bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t yield good fruit. 

            WHAT IS THE FRUIT OF Q?

            In order to see their fruit, we need to once again understand the twofold mission of this Q operation:

            Wake up the good people worldwide by showing them how much evil there is in every aspect of our society.

            Activate them to become a worldwide army of truth speakers, that would wake up humanity.

            In essence the mission of Q was to raise up HUMANITY against the cabal.

            Q explained that the greatest fear of the worldwide criminal network is that the public would become aware of their existence. Once humanity understands that criminal entities control the news media, governments, health care, the judicial system, the financial system, etc. this would be the end of their reign of terror. That’s why Q said over and over again that an awake people is the greatest fear of these evil entities. This is a Q post from December 7, 2019:

            Knowledge is power.

            Think for yourself.

            Trust yourself.

            Do due diligence.

            You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their GREATEST FEAR.

            Sheep no more.



            Waking up humanity was therefore the primary purpose of the military operation that was executed under the letter Q.

            Were they successful? Yes. They literally ignited the greatest worldwide awakening of all time. In literally every country of the world there are now innumerable people who have been awakened, directly or indirectly because of the Q operation.

            There is an eruption of truth so great, that the cabal is in panic and desperately tries to stop this worldwide tsunami of exposure… but they are too late.

            Of course the majority of the people worldwide is still blind and asleep, but that is just a matter of time. Fact is that hundreds of millions are now aware of what is happening in our world, and this number is growing explosively day by day.


            One example of the effectiveness of Q's military strategy, is the world renowned docuseries FALL OF THE CABAL, created by the researchers Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koether. These documentaries reveal in great detail the criminal activities of the worldwide criminal network called "the cabal". Hundreds of millions have viewed The Fall of the Cabal in dozens of languages, and they have a tremendous world changing  impact. 

            The producers were directly inspired by Q to do this phenomenal research and expose the cabal to the world. 

            Q was successful. The world is waking up. The great awakening has begun.



            Besides activating the good people to oppose the cabal, Q also encouraged patriots that they are not alone. A dedicated group of high level patriots in the military, and in nations around the world, is working hard behind the scenes to expose evil, take down corruption, and pave the way for a better world. In the future we will see tremendous effects of their operations, but here are a few of the more recent fruits of their operations.

            CNN is the largest corrupt news agency worldwide, responsible for unspeakable destruction caused in our world, through their ongoing spreading of false information to steer humanity in the direction of the agenda of the cabal. Their news monopoly seemed unchallenged and unbreakable. Recently however one CNN executive after the other was brought down, because their sexual perversion was suddenly exposed.

            The viewership of CNN has dropped to an all time low, and is continuing to plummet. The grip of the lying mainstream news media on our world is weakening.

            Twitter has for many years been the leading social media platform, especially for the more educated part of humanity. Suddenly it was revealed that Twitter has millions of fake bot accounts that constantly manipulate the real users with programmed comments and posts. The blind trust the world once had in Twitter is crumbling.

            Truth Social is a new social media platform, set up by the military network of Q, which is growing explosively. The purpose is to replace Twitter and restore free speech in America, and worldwide. In the near future it will launch for the entire world.


            A major tool to control the world, is election fraud, used by the cabal to position their criminal puppets in the governments of every country. Q often talked about election fraud, and even predicted that Biden would steal the election. ow election theft is being exposed in America, which will ultimately lead to secure elections worldwide, in the future.

            See this report that shows overwhelming evidence of election fraud.

            The US Supreme Court suddenly made four major rulings, all in one week, that are a phenomenal blow in the face of the cabal. These rulings restored public prayer, an armed people, the right to life, and blocking of climate change tyranny. Q had announced this in 2018.

            These are just a few of the many examples, of events of a greater magnitude than most of us realize. Much more has been happening, and in the future we will see tremendous results of their covert operations.


            A key reality that proves how Q is no psyop of the cabal, is that in 2020 ALL the media outlets of the cabal, and ALL their social media platforms simultaneously assaulted the Q movement. Tens of thousands of online accounts were deleted, and even when people simply mentioned the single letter Q on social media, they were censored.

            This shows that Q is a real threat to the cabal. They are in fact so terrified that they forbid anyone to even mention it.

            WHY DID Q GO SILENT?

            The basis for the accusation that Q was a psyop, is the sudden black out of all their communications, which came as a total surprise, and devastated many patriots, as it happened right after the 2020 US presidential elections were stolen. It felt as if Q abandoned patriots during the worst time of their life.

            In reality Q did what every true leader does: after raising up the people, they stepped aside, so the people could be activated. 

            Their last message before the blackout was:


            If they had stayed in the picture, the people would never have stood up, the way we have seen happen the past two years. With their heroes out of the picture, countless patriots realized they had to rise up, and do what they could, to expose and stop corruption. 

            Patriots began getting engaged in politics, schools, media, etc.

            I believe that those who fell into the trap, believing the strategically injected lie that Q was a psyop, never truly understood Q, and have most of their knowledge from hearsay.

            The truth is there is a true white hat military operation that has been igniting the greatest exposure of worldwide corruption, since the dawn of time, all over the earth: from Japan, to Russia, to Sweden, to England, to the Netherlands, to the USA - everywhere! Their voice roared worldwide, and countless people responded to it, by further exposing evil in their own countries.

            Call that a psyop if you want. I call it the most brilliant and most effective military operation of all time.

            YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

            My message to all who fight for freedom is: you are not alone! We have countless warriors on our side, in every nation of the world, who are working strategically to take down the cabal, even though publicly it looks as if the cabal is winning. That’s the brilliance of it.

            I believe that Q is inspired by our Creator, because I see that people all over the world have been instructed, the past decades, to do exactly this: expose evil, and bring truth back into the world. 

            Whistleblowers from news media, Google, the WHO, UN, health care and so on, have been stepping forward the past years. This has never happened before, but the past years all of a sudden whistleblowers are coming forward all over the place. All over the world the veil of total blindness is being removed from hundreds of millions, and soon billions of people who are beginning to see the hidden criminal operations that have been terrorizing humanity for centuries.

            The Great Awakening is therefore not the idea of Q. I am convinced it is an even higher level operation than the military, initiated by the Lord of Hosts, the Commander of the Forces of Light. That’s why it is unstoppable.

            This is also evident in the following prayer, posted by Q on September 20, 2020:

            Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and FIGHT the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, you already have. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.

            Before I knew about Q, I received dreams, and all kinds of signals, that I had to set up StopWorldControl.com to inform humanity. Once I learned about Q, it empowered me to keep doing what I knew God had told me to do. From the very beginning I felt the same call in my spirit that Q has been releasing to the people:

            Be a warrior who shares truth with the world around you. Spread truth far and wide. Don’t be discouraged because it is a slow and hard process. Keep fighting. Every seed of truth you sow will one day break forth and become a tree of awakening.

            In the words of Q:

            Are you awake?

            Do you SEE (for yourself) the MSM = propaganda tool of the LEFT?

            Do you SEE FB/Twitter/GOOG censoring non LEFT POVs?

            Do you SEE the corruption?

            Do you SEE the EVIL?

            Are you a SLAVE?

            Are you CONTROLLED?

            Are you a SHEEP?

            ARE YOU AWAKE?


            LEARN THE TRUTH.













            WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!


            If you want to know more about Q, then read this in depth post.


            As many of you know, we have been severely attacked, lost everything, and I have been trying hard to rebuild our emails the past six months, which has been a tremendous challenge.

            The work of 25 years was destroyed in one second.

            If you are on our side, then please make a generous donation, so we can further restore what was bombed, and become more effective in our actions than we were before.

            Thank you so much!




            We inform humanity about the globalist agenda of world domination. We also expose crimes against humanity, committed by financial elites. And we offer hope for a better world, without tyranny and corruption. Make sure to explore our eye-opening films and reports. Please share this website. Make sure to follow us on X, by clicking the icon below. 






            An. international network of evil was exposed, with a level of military intel the public had never witnessed before.


            olled opposition are entities that appear to fight for freedom, while in fact their goal is to gather as many freedom fighters as possible under their wings, so they can control, weaken, and sabotage the freedom movement.

            Controlled opposition are entities that appear to fight for freedom, while in fact their goal is to gather as many freedom fighters as possible under their wings, so they can control, weaken, and sabotage the freedom movement.

            Controlled opposition are entities that appear to fight for freedom, while in fact their goal is to gather as many freedom fighters as possible under their wings, so they can control, weaken, and sabotage the freedom movement.




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