May 2022


Dr. Bryan Ardis about the real consequences for those that disagree with Big Pharma


Dr. Bryan Ardis joins Owen to talk about the real consequences for those that disagree with Big Pharma

Pfizer CEO Says it’s their dream to Reduce the Population by 50 percent in 2023.

Is the Plan! Death by lethal injections and gene editing therapy?

Brian Peckford Speech At Freedom Rally in Victoria BC

Ending Political Tyranny, Economic Slavery and a Militarized Police State. 

Justice is the function of the Group

Mark My Words...THIS is Coming in 2022 - It's Time to Sound the Alarm, and Prepare


The good news is you're getting a heads-up, and have time to prepare. The bad news is that is actually happening... If you like my content, please support me on Locals! https://brightinsight.locals.co

Coronavirus Vaccine Problems News Articles


Coronavirus Vaccine Problems news articles: Concise excerpts from highly revealing major media news articles on coronavirus vaccine problems suggest major cover-up. Links provided to originals for verification.

Robert Kennedy Jr Slams The Corrupt System Of Big Pharma, Anthony Fauci And The F.D.A.
Robert Kennedy Jr Slams The Corrupt System Of Big Pharma, Anthony Fauci And The F.D.A. - Video

In a shocking new Interview with Dr Naomi Wolf, Robert Kennedy Jr, author of The Real Anthony Fauci, reveals more on how Big Pharma royalties totaling $350 Million are paid secretly to 1700 Scientists and reveals the enormous conflicts of interest this creates. Mr Kennedy exposes the extraordinary pressure from Government to censor free speech on Facebook - a serious attack on our democracy and on the free flow of conversation.


Powerful Delivery By Young Girl To Klaus Schwab: Shove Your Plans!


Powerful Delivery By Young Girl To Klaus Schwab: Shove Your Plans!

A Culture of Fear, Social Media Toxicity, and America's Descent Into Stupidity, with Jonathan Haidt


Megyn Kelly is joined by social psychologist and "The Coddling of the American Mind" co-author Jonathan Haidt to talk about how social media is making us worse as a democracy, our culture's inability

Sars-Cov-2 was Lab Made Under Project DEFUSE


Sars-Cov-2 is a Result of Years of Documented Scientific Work





Ep. 2781b - [DS] Deploys All Assets, ILS Approach Looks Good, Countermeasures Are In Place


🔋 Have Backup Energy Anywhere: 🔋 http://www.backupsolarbank.com Get 20% OFF this Father's Day Using Promo Code FATHER The [DS]/WEF has no choice, they must push their plan forward and deploy all asset

Defining the Unprecidented Is this an example of who will rule us? Amidst worldwide efforts to #StopTheTreaty Ilana Rachel Daniel uncovers WHO Director General Dr Tedros human rights abuse accusations in his homeland of Ethiopia. 





"It may suit some to condemn the war crimes of their enemies while turning a blind eye to those of their friends."

"But unless the law applies equally for all countries, we will never have an international system of justice for the victims of war."




War Room WATCH ! “The rest of the worlds sovereignty rests on the shoulders of Americans…” 






Global Freedom Movement Global Freedom What The Pandemic Treaty Means To You






Elon Musk's Warning For 2022





Niel Oliver Live This so-called pandemic treaty is the single, greatest global power grab 





How To Solve Canada’s Biggest Problems | Canadian PM Candidate Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre, a life-long conservative, is the current front-runner in the Canadian federal Conservative Party's leadership race, and a contender for the next Prime Minister of Canada. Mr. Poilievre has served as a trusted senior cabinet minister in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government and as a Member of Parliament for seven terms. He grew up in Calgary and graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in International Relations.  To vote for Pierre Poilievre as the conservative leader you must become a member


Australian nurse breaks silence on Covid-19 vaccines and being censored - Rebel News


The nurse described her personal experiences on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic and detailed the ridicule she faced for speaking out against the prevailing medical narrative.

EU Parliament Boom MEP Christine Anderson Dropping Epic WHO Pandemic Treaty Truth Bombs






Grand Jury DR. REINER FUELLMICHComing out of Germany!






Michael Rectenwald: “An open avowed plan to bring about a global reset of the world’s economy”


Michael Rectenwald: “An open avowed plan to bring about a global reset of the world’s economy”


Rep. Larry McDonald’s last interview before his plane “accident”







Dr Geert Vanden Bossche’s warning: 
“The losses will be unprecedented.”









MEP Christine Anderson warns that the WHO Pandemic Treaty “aims to give the WHO de facto governing power over its member states

In the event of a pandemic, without involvement or consultation with national governments or national parliaments.”




Trending on Twitter #pfizerdocuments

VP of Pfizer arrested on charges of Fraud after recent Pfizer Data Released

Over 1,223 died in trials and they still unleased this gene therapy on an 

unsuspecting and trusting public.


Pfizer documents: Over 1,200 people died during Pfizer vaccine trials - The Counter Signal


Following the release of the Pfizer documents, it’s now confirmed that 1,223 people died during trials within the first 28 days.

VP of Pfizer arrested after #pfizerdocuments get released


Rady Johnson, the executive Vice President of Pfizer, has been arrested at his home and charged with multiple counts of fraud by federal agents. He was taken into custody and is awaiting a bail heari

(Robert Malone) – Who are the globalist members of the trade organization known as The World Economic Forum (WEF) and their servants, why should you care, and what can you do about it? First, “who are they?”


The World Economic Forum wants to ‘completely control all aspects of your life’: Dr. Robert Malone - LifeSite


The World Economic Forum believes that the concept of independent nation states is obsolete and must be replaced with a global government which controls all.

URGENT PFIZER NEWS: Pfizer and the CDC committed fraud

They willfully withholding critical data from the public resulting in harm and death to thousands. The CDC is spreading medical misinformation. What they have done is obscene. We are completely vindicated.





Senator Malcolm Roberts Senator for Queensland on Vaccine Injury and death Coverups

A Aussie Senator dares to speak Truth and demand investigations. 





Top German professor raises Covid vaccines alarm
After an estimated half a million cases of adverse effects, Professor Harald Matthes called on doctors to “take action”





A Concerning AIDS-Like Syndrome Seen in the Vaccinated: Dr. Robert Malone


“What seems to be observed now increasingly with the multiple jabs is that people’s immune systems are being damaged” Full Interview: https://rumble.com/v1029mv-dr.-robert-malone-synthetic-mrna-cannot

A terrifying prediction for 2030 (the Great Reset) WEF non elected world Dictators and Stakeholders.

Complete Economic Slavery Militarized Police Forces and Political Tyranny 




WEF Young Global Leaders Infiltrating working Democracies 

To establish a World Dictatorship  under an unelected New World





Dr Malone continues to expose the WEF’s agenda of total control

Through the WHO and their plan to take over countries under the excuse of a health crisis which of course they can fabricate anytime to suit their NWO goals.





They’re Causing Food Shortages?!


There have been multiple fires at food processing plants around the country lately. What is going on? Here's everything you need to know...

NWO Chemtrail PROGRAM And people wonder why we are getting sick in increasing numbers every year. No one doctor treating respiratory diseases know what is in these containers spray across the country on a daily bases. Science without ideals and industry without morals are deadlier than world wars. 

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