Fundraiser for Medical Expenses: Revision

Please Consider Assisting us to Raise  $100.00 for Medical Supplies 

Two children at Butiiki Children's Ministry recently required medical attention. One for an infection in the left eye and the other for an infection behind the ear. Medical costs were  $98.00 USD.

We are looking for people willing to help with the cost of the treatment. Information about Butiiki Children's Ministry can be found HERE

You can make a donation for this cause on Beth Goodell's fundraising site for the ministry by clicking on the image below or HERE 



Robert Walugosi Butiiki Children’s Ministry Fundraising 

Hello everyone we greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Butiiki Children's Ministry is a pro life giving Ministry.
Its aim and mandate is to uphold the scarcity of orphaned, vulnerable, abandoned children with welfare programs that provide these little ones with the necessities of living.

It is also a Ministry for Youths and Widows empowerment.

We call upon everyone who is willing to donate whatever you have big or small it can make a difference and change the lives of our children as well!

We currently have a need to buy scholastic materials like books, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, toilet roles, sanitary pads and other required scholastic materials by the School Systems of Jinja, Uganda.

We are in need also to buy food at the orphanage that will provide for a full month that will cost $270.00 including all the spices and cooking oil we require for the month.

We pay the Orphanage rent every month of $350.00 for all the Orphanage buildings, we call upon anyone willing to help the less fortunate.

It is good to give and giving with all your heart! And our Ministry depends upon just such a service of love.
God bless you all peace and love

Robert Walugosi

Robert Walugosi

C.E.O and Director

Children's Ministry - Uganda

Phone: +256-0759362077

P.O. Box,226 Jinja, Uganda

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The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa

The Butiiki Children's Ministry ● Jinja, Uganda, Africa

Robert Walugosi ○ The Children of Butiiki Children's Ministry are seeking your help in acquiring the necessities of life. Please take the time to reflect upon our mission here in Uganda.
