Let's stop the virus! | Let's end the hysteria! | An Open Letter by Dr. Matthias Rath: Revision

Let's stop the virus!

Let's end the hysteria!

To the people and governments of the world
An Open Letter by Dr. Matthias Rath

A pandemic is currently threatening the health and lives of people around the world and ruining the economies of entire nations. The shockwave from this pandemic is only surpassed by the audacity through which potentially life-saving information on the possible containment of the pandemic is being systematically withheld from the people, as well as from many political decision-takers worldwide.

Social life is being disturbed, basic civil rights are being taken away, and economic damage in unprecedented proportions is being accepted, all in the name of curtailing the pandemic. And yet neither the so-called ‘experts’ nor the politicians they advise are providing people with the most basic – and potentially life-saving – health advice: An optimum intake of vitamins and other essential micronutrients is a key measure for anyone to strengthen their immune system. This scientific fact – recognized by nine Nobel Prizes and documented in countless textbooks of biology and biochemistry around the world – is notoriously absent from essentially every public health recommendation.

While the search for an effective and safe vaccine to help control the current pandemic remains important, the deliberate silence over natural ways to strengthen the immune system, which are readily available now, is outright irresponsible. This silence is no coincidence. It happens in the interest of those corporate interests that try to take massive economic advantage from the ongoing crisis, namely the pharmaceutical investment business.

The publication of this Open Letter, however, will derail these plans and further accelerate the demise of these corporate interests.

As the scientist who – together with two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling – contributed to a thus far unprecedented advance in natural human health, I feel it is incumbent upon me to raise my voice at this critical moment in history.

The goals of this Open Letter


  • To educate the people and the governments of the world about science-based, effective and safe measures to help contain the current pandemic.
  • To provide an educational course on the health benefits of vitamins against viral infections.
  • To protect and improve the health of millions of people by taking advantage of this knowledge.
  • To limit the economic damage of the pandemic for small and large businesses, as well as national economies.
  • To help return life back to normal on our planet as soon as possible.

Towards these goals, this Open Letter has three main sections:

  1. Science-based natural health measures that can help people everywhere in the current pandemic.
  2. Why you may not have heard about these natural health approaches before.
  3. What you can do now and how you can help to introduce preventive health in your community.

   I.Science-based natural health measures that can help people             everywhere in the current pandemic


t is an unconscionable act that neither national nor international health authorities are providing the people with basic scientific facts and answers to questions that are potentially lifesaving.


Most animals produce vitamin C in high amounts of up to 20,000 milligrams per day compared to human body weight.

While the current pandemic causes disease and death among human beings around the world, animals are rarely affected. They can carry the virus but they do not develop a deadly disease. In fact, in seeking to test potential therapies, researchers worldwide struggle to find a suitable animal model in which the virus causes disease. Any scientific experts who do not take this striking fact into account when advising governments or addressing the public on possible solutions to the pandemic should therefore be listened to with caution. Similarly, any scientific effort to find a therapeutic solution to the pandemic is doomed without addressing this critical aspect.

The human metabolism is set apart from that of essentially all other animals by its inability to synthesize vitamin C from glucose. Most animals produce vitamin C in high amounts of up to 20,000 milligrams per day compared to human body weight. Humans and sub-human primates lack this ability due to a genetic mutation that occurred during their evolution. Thus, all humans today are dependent on an optimum intake of vitamin C, either from the diet or from supplements. Vitamin C deficiency, and most people in the world suffer from it, causes a weakening of the connective tissue, compromises natural barriers like skin and the inner cell lining of the lungs (epithelial cells of the lungs), and weakens our immune system. Thus, viruses and many other infectious organisms can easily enter the body and find too little immune resistance to fight them.


Vitamin C in the fight against the pandemic


Vitamin C can help fight viral infections in many ways:

  • Slowing down or blocking viral entry and spread in the body
  • Improving immune function and resistance against viral infections
  • Inhibiting viral multiplication in infected cells
  • Inducing suicide (apoptosis) of virally infected cells

These anti-viral mechanisms of vitamin C have been scientifically demonstrated in a multitude of viruses affecting humans including:

When used against the human deficiency virus (HIV), one of the most recent epidemics to haunt mankind, vitamin C has been shown in research studies to inhibit the multiplication of this virus by over 99 percent. It is therefore no surprise that high doses of vitamin C are effective in blocking essentially all human viruses studied thus far, including also influenza (flu).

Vitamin C has also been shown to be effective against the virus that causes the current global pandemic. In February this year, the first clinical reports became available from Chinese clinics where patients severely infected by the current virus almost completely recovered after receiving high dose vitamin C treatment.

At the same time, the Chinese government transported vitamin C by the ton into the affected regions to fight the epidemic’s spread among the population. This fact would explain the massive decline in new infections during the beginning of March this year.





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