God Discovered Jesus MeetUp Week 47
Angels and Us
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Angels and Us
Week 47
The Jesus MeetUp Angels and Us Week #47
Jesus was coming! Yay!!
May we learn to have OBEDIENCE FIRST to our Father's will and Jesus' instructions with
Patience in all that we do! ~ Monica Kemp
Question to discuss:
1. How does this story of Adam and Eve affect you?
2. Do you see how their default adds no more to the horrors of how individuals choose today? Explain.
Now is a good time to say the Lord’s Prayer together. Feel free to write a prayer request and give it to your leader. Please return your sheet to the leader.
Next week’s lesson, 36 Where do I fit in?
When men search for God, they are searching for everything. When they find God, they have found everything. The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveries of new and greater love to be bestowed.
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