Thank you, brother. While we have a way to go, the percentage of the earth's population will be nowhere as disastrous as preceding ones. Not comforting to those who have lost family members,
however, is it?
Hi, there! I love this story and I used to say the same thing about we being the only Bible others will ever read (I think now, i will be the only saving message of Jesus that others will ever know!).
And i also love the part at the end where you say if we don't pass it on nothing will many unthinking people, even though well-intentioned, will put a curse on people just to get something they feel strongly about shared...kind of reminds me of the triple curse at the end of the Bible! Geesh. Si, I shared it with my friends at The Christ Experiment. I believe they might use it in their evangelism course or even in their Faith Sons of God site. Thank you for this story!!!
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