Hello our lovely brothers and sisters, my name is Emilly Jackrine Tusaba Team Leader at Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda.

We take care of Orphan children, widows, vulnerables and other disadvantaged people by giving them, food, and education and skills. I am requesting for your assistance to help me raise $20,000 so that we can build a Community Center, Children's home for our children, widows and orphans so that they can have a good sleep.

Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda,is a registered community organization that started in 2017 but officially  we got registered in 2020.

 Ever since we started, we have been renting and we are still renting our area of operations this has costed us of money in paying for rent, renovation of the the area and other expenses.

We have noticed that we are spending a lot of money on rent yet there are other things to handle in the ministry.

Therefore we call upon your support to the above mentioned amount so that we can fulfill our dreams of the organization and giving kids good life.

Please if you convicted by most High God to give any amount, you will truly be appreciated in love and gratefulness.

Here is our Project Proposal Budget Sheet

The Bible says in the book of Proverbs (19:17)
And whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord and he will reward them for what they have done.

See Our VideoSee Our Certification - See our Children

You can help by doing the following;

  • Praying for us.
  • Sharing our campaign.
  • Commenting on our campaign.
  • Donating on our campaign.


0% funded
0 CAD received
0 backers
274 days left
Money Pot
28000 CAD
Dec 30, 2025
Jinja Uganda


    • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

      Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

      EMILLY JACKRINE TUSABA (Director Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda).I lost my father when I was Two (2) Months old.This means I never got any chance to talk to my father. I have spent all my life with a single mother.Growing with a single mother,I have faced alot of torture, suffering and mistreatment. I had a dream of becoming a doctor but it didn't come true because my mother had no money to support my education up to the University or Institute.With the little education I under took, I decided to work on my own ventures for self sustainability which gave me a grace and compassion to initiate a Christian and Children's Ministry in the name of " Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda". to cater for the loved ones who lack the care takers in Uganda.

    This campaign does not offer any rewards