l kindly request for your help to construct a house for my 89 year old grandmother

l kindly request for your help to construct a house for my 89 year old grandmother


Am Tumwijukye Simon l kindly request for your help to construct a house for my grandmother.

Her house was taken by the Storm that happened in our area we tried our best to build up for her anew house but now  the money we had is over.

Yet we are not yet to finish it we need your help to complete the house she lost her husband in 2005.

Since then she have been struggling she is not able to work and she is too old so she no longer is able to work

She is 89 years old nothing she can do to get money for her construction. 

We tried our best but we failed to complete the building due to money please help us God will bless you. 



0% funded
0 CAD received
0 backers
Money Pot
2000 CAD
Dec 30, 2023
Ibanda Uganda

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