Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International
Transportation Campaign
Bishop Moses Kaharwa Siloam Altar Revival Ministries International P.O Box 10772 JINJJA ROAD.
Our ministry reaches out to hundreds and thousands of needy people in rural areas of East Africa. We have reached out to many people and communities supplying food, clothes, blankets, shoes, Mosquito nets as well as religious materials and spiritual instruction to thirsty souls.
Our communities face lots of spiritual challenges ,famine, sickness, water, and clothes which we have been trying to fix through our outreaches and supply of spiritual materials, food and many other necessary needs.
While we are actively trying to reach out to the suffering communities, we need your help and donations for us to have a Van purchased so that we can be able to do our work effectively. Your support for our Van Fundraiser is so Crucial to our efforts of easily reaching out to the suffering If you are able to support us please follow the link provided here on this campaign. God bless you
1998 Toyota HiAce SUPER CUSTOM USh 37m 12617.00 CAD 10101.00 US