God's Care Orphanage Campaign


God's Care Orphanage Campaign


This is a registered community Based Organisation (CBO) helping ORPHANS AND WIDOWS and their families. They are teaching people how to get ahead in life. They are raising up future leaders and transforming a community.


1. This is to create a strong soldiers of our Lord God full of fear and able to spread gospel to their colleagues so that to save their lives.

2. To teach the children micro credit for example saving culture.

3. To advice and transform the lives of children as a community example thus disciples of Christ.

4. To give support, help and prayers to orphans and those who are disabled. VISION. To reach out and teach children with love of Christ how to live a holly life and transformation into a mature disciple of Christ


1.Spreading the gospel and evangelism

2. Providing school fees.

3. Providing basic needs to the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living.

4. Providing school materials like books, pens, pencils, school uniforms (i.e Trouser for boys, Skirts for girls, shirts, and shoes for both).

5. Caring for the needy children and vulnerable ones.

6. Equipping skills to the needy and vulnerable children and the community.

7. Equipping the children with relevant skills and establishing income-generating projects.

8. Providing the children basic needs like food, accommodation, shelter, clothes among other necessities.


1% funded
55 CAD received
3 backers
309 days left
Money Pot
5000 CAD
Dec 30, 2025
Ibanda Uganda


This campaign does not offer any rewards